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Bird view to Open Data ecosystem

The article contains a simplified high bird view to any Open Data infrastructure. Open Data can be an Open Banking, Open Insurance, Open Energy, Open Telco etc. From a technical perspective a component parts of any such infrastructure are:

  1. API specifications
  2. Identity Provider
  3. Directory
  4. API validator
  5. Reference implementation

1. API specifications

API specifications is a key and mandatory component. Depending on this api the infrastructure can be created for Open Banking or Open Insurance or Open Energy etc ecosystems.

The usual format of these specifications is a Swagger format (newer name is OpenAPI). The API specifications also can be described in a simple text file. An important point is to have history and versioning for these specifications.

2. Identity Provider

It is usually OAuth2 OIDC service identifying a User and creating a Conformance. Conformance is a set of permissions to Service Provider’s data that User is ready to share to TPP.

3. Directory

Contains organizations implementing the API specifications. Any new organization needs to be verified before it will be visible for an ecosystem. The Directory comprises all artifacts and processes providing safe communication between TPP and Service.

It enables Service Providers and TPPs to integrate with each other securely and safely exchange data to their customer’s benefit.

4. API validator

It is an application validating API implemented by a Service Providers. Can be used for provider’s api certification for correspondence to specifications.

5. Reference implementation

It is an application implementing API specifications. Possible usage might be to verify an API validator for its correctness.

Other terms.


Third Party Provider. It is usually a Fintech organization providing some services (like loans, insurances, aggregations ) to a User.

Service Provider

Service Provider is an organization like a bank or an insurance company providing some user data to a TPP. Data provided is confirmed by the user.


It might be a person representing an organization providing a Service or organization creating a TPP or a person using a TPP applications.

Date: September 15, 2023
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